A Run to Remember 2014

It’s that time of year again. For fourteen years, Oklahoma City has come together to run and remember the lives lost in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building on April 19, 1995. Our city was forever changed, and we never want to forget those lost in the senseless act of terrorism. Last year, […]


“There’s an 85% chance that it’s malignant.” As the words rolled off my dad’s tongue, I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach. A small spot on his kidney is proving to be more than any of us ever imagined. The revelation came at the end of a particularly difficult week. I […]


What is Faith? Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1 As I look back over this journey, I am constantly amazed at how much my faith has grown through the trials and tribulations of this life. Recently, however, I […]

Single…And Hating It!

I am single…and hating it! I’m sure there are many singles who would say they hate it. They would tell about the loneliness. They might tell you how they long to have someone with whom to share their hopes and dreams. Or, maybe they would talk about the longing for a companion, someone with whom […]

In Over My Head

One thing has become abundantly clear to me in the last few weeks: I am totally and completely unequipped to raise teenage boys. I find myself questioning if God knew what He was doing when He allowed me to become a solo-parent to two boys. I don’t understand all these boy things, and I am […]