Cultivating Gratitude When Life Sucks

Let’s face it: sometimes life just sucks. I’m not one to use any type of profanity, but I’m not sure there’s any other way to describe 2016. It’s been an unbelievably difficult year, filled with life-changing realities that have permanently altered our lives. And here we are, with the holidays upon us, trying to figure […]

Terror at Night

The sound of the phone startled me awake. “Hello,” I managed, struggling to wake from a deep sleep. “Something’s wrong with Cassie,” came the frightened voice on the other end of the phone. I bolted from my bed and rushed to her room. There sat Cassie’s friend who was spending the night, terrified. And there […]

Reclaiming Peace

The election is over. The ballots are in and we have a new President-elect. And what a surprise it was. On election day, I was waiting for results to begin pouring in. I was filled with a mixture of excitement and fear, enthusiasm and dread. The election season was nothing like what I had hoped […]

A Prayer for American Christians on the Eve of the Presidential Election

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America… The presidential election is less than one week away, and I feel as if we should change the name of our country to the Divided States of America. It’s a very sad statement, but one I see more each day. Race pitted against […]