There is only one thing worth being concerned about... Luke 10:42

I’ve walked through the last few weeks with such peace, such joy…so little stress.

Then, life rears its ugly head once again, throwing the unspeakable, the unimaginable, at us. We are faced with accusations that couldn’t be more horrendous, more unbelievable, more unthinkable…more untrue.

Yet, one thing we do…

No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies aheadPhilippians 3:13

We face these false accusations head on. We trust God to be our Defender, our Protector. We pray fervently that He brings truth to light. We pray His perfect peace surrounds us and embraces us as we focus our hearts and minds on Him.

It is God’s will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you. 1 Peter 2:15

We take God at His word, believing He will silence our accusers, those mean-spirited people with evil intentions who seek to destroy us.

In his justice he will pay back those who persecute you 2 Thessalonians 1:6

We accept His word that He is the One who repays evil, the One who judges the thoughts and intentions of men.

So what is our one thing?

Our one thing is to cling to our Father, to hold our eyes firmly focused on Him, to trust Him with every detail of this situation.

Our one thing is to look at the many blessings God has given us, to enjoy the presence of this precious family He has put together.

Our one thing is to believe every trial we face is designed to make us more like Him, to conform us to His image.

Our one thing is to recognize the spiritual warfare being waged all around us in an attempt to distract us from our one thing.

Yes, in the midst of this wonderful Thanksgiving season, we focus on our one thing: our precious Savior who has given us so much, who loves us passionately, who pursues us relentlessly, who pours out more blessings than we can even imagine.

Even in the painful times…

Even in the face of false accusations…

Even in the fear and uncertainty…

Even in our anger…

Even in the injustice…

Even in…

We cling to Him. We trust in Him. We pray for Him to supernaturally bring truth to light. We thank Him for His love. We fall to our knees in gratitude for the gifts He has given us…the gifts of one another.

And we trust that this too shall pass…in His time, and in His way.

Father, you have heard our pleas as we trust you to vindicate us, to silence those ignorant people who falsely accuse us. We pray your presence would be overwhelming in our home, in our lives, in the face of our accusers. We trust you to be our Defender, to be our Protector, to hold true to your word. We rest in you as we expect your perfect peace to surround us, envelop us, calm us. We focus on you…our One thing. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

5 replies
  1. Christine
    Christine says:

    One thing I’ve asked of the LORD, this I will seek, to dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life and to gaze upon His beauty. Ps 27:4. My prayer for you al is the whole of Psalm 27. May you be confident as you look at the goodness of the LORD and wait on Him for vindication.

  2. Renee
    Renee says:

    Amen Sisters, thankyou for your encouragement. I am in the middle of a seperation, its been 7 days now, the man I love rejects my authority in Christ and wont allow me to pray with him etc, and he has emotionally and phycically abused me, I vow to pray for him. I called him my soulmate. I have to begin a new journey without him now. Thank you for your obedience in Christ Jesus to encourage wounded women/ Saints in the battlefield. much love.


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