Extraordinary Acts of God
“Extraordinary acts of God often begin with ordinary acts of obedience.” Craig Groeschel
Have you ever sensed God telling you to do something that in the human realm simply doesn’t make sense?
A few months ago, my daughter called me late one night. She had just returned to college where she had a ton of vocal scholarships. We had managed to get the cost of a private school down less than most public universities.
“Mom, I’m supposed to transfer schools…this semester,” she said.
After talking for a few minutes, she explained how she felt so strongly God was calling her to transfer. I told her she needed to immediately withdraw before we incurred more expenses.
“But, I haven’t been accepted to the school I’m transferring to.”
I simply explained how that’s called walking by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Even as the words rolled off my tongue, I felt the sting of the Holy Spirit speaking to my own heart.
Oh, yes! Sometimes–perhaps often times–God calls us to take a step of obedience when we have no guaranteed safety net.
He calls us to change schools when we haven’t been accepted to our school of choice.
He calls us to sign up for a mission trip when we don’t know where the money comes from.
He calls us to quit a job when we don’t have another one lined up.
You see, walking by faith is all about taking a step of obedience even when we can’t see what’s ahead. And those small (or big) steps of obedience?
They open the door for God to move in mighty ways!
What happened with my daughter? The next morning, she withdrew from her school and went across town to apply to her school of choice. She got a job, changed her major, and moved out of the dorm. We had a lot of work in a very small window of time, but she managed to get everything completed and start her new school on time. A couple of months later, she told me that she had not realized just how miserable she had been during her last school year. She loves her friends, but she had come to understand the value of slowing down–something that is not possible for a vocal music major. This semester has been a time of incredible growth as she has stepped into leadership roles and found her place leading worship. She is happy and thriving and making a difference for God on a campus that needs His light!
For those of us who are risk averse, it’s sometimes hard to walk by faith. We trust our sight so much more than we trust God. Oh, we would never say it that way, but it’s the absolute truth! We look at our bank account instead of remembering that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10), that He is our Jehovah Jireh, our God who provides. We forget that when He calls us to something, He promises to be faithful to see us through. He provides for our every need, works out every detail when we choose obedience over our own safety and security. We have made money or safety or security an idol in our lives and can’t even see it!
In the days to come, I will share how God is challenging me to step out in faith. He has promised me that if I will walk in obedience, it will be the gateway to greater blessings than my mind can conceive (Ephesians 3:20). What does that mean? What does it look like? Are those financial blessings? Are they blessings of peace and contentment? Are they blessings of relationships and abundant life? I don’t know on this side of obedience, but I will know as I watch God’s hand carefully work to unfold His plans for my life.
I guess we just have to stay tuned in 2024 to see how God moves!
Merry Christmas, friends! May you enjoy the blessings of God as you walk through the coming days. I will share a video of my daughter singing O Come All Ye Faithful.

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