Homestead – The Movie Coming Soon!!

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Have you ever had a really rough week? That’s been our home over the last few weeks.

I am currently on day 9 of a massive migraine. I’ve had two visits to the ER with very few answers – and very little relief. Yesterday, my nephew was in a horrific car accident and has a very long road to recovery. So, all that to say, we could use all the prayers we can get right now. That’s why I’ve been MIA over the last couple of weeks. My brain simply has not functioned well enough to put together a sentence, now complicated by concern over my nephew.

Despite the difficulties, we have so much to be grateful for! With Thanksgiving this week, it’s a reminder that we can give thanks in ALL circumstances. Since the story of my nephew is not mine to tell at this time, let me just suffice it to say we are PRAISING GOD that he is alive! Even in the midst of chronic headaches, I can PRAISE GOD that there are no tumors or obvious reasons for the headaches. I can PRAISE GOD for an incredible husband who has so tenderly cared for me. There is always so much to be thankful for. Where can you turn your trials into thanksgiving?

I wanted to jump on here and share with you an opportunity to see an upcoming movie called Homestead. I had the opportunity to view the movie before it hits theaters December 20, and Roy and I really enjoyed it. Instead of the typical feel-good Christian movie, Homestead  is an action-packed thriller that focuses on a family that has prepared for an attack on the United States. When the attack happens, they put their plan into action. It’s probably something we should all consider in light of the uprisings around the globe.

The movie leaves you hanging in the end. But, that’s because following the movie will be an all new series on the Angel Studios app! I think it’s a genius way of following these characters through to the end!

Not only can you pre-purchase tickets here, but you also have a chance to take part in a $300k give-away! The give-away includes gifts such as a tiny home, a Polaris side-by-side, a generator, and so much more! The sooner you buy your tickets, the more entries you get! For more details, click here.

I really hope you will take the opportunity to purchase tickets now and support this faith and family film! It makes such a difference at the box office. And, you get a chance to see a great movie, start a conversation, and have a chance to win great prizes!!





1 reply
  1. Dena Johnson
    Dena Johnson says:

    *** LIMIT OF FOURTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED (14,100) ENTRIES PER PERSON/EMAIL ADDRESS. *** NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. PURCHASE OR PAYMENT DOES NOT IMPROVE YOUR CHANCE OF WINNING. The 300K Instant Homestead Giveaway is open only to legal residents of the 48 Contiguous U.S. States (VOID in AK and HI) & DC, 21 or older. Void elsewhere and where prohibited.. Promotion starts 10/17/24 and ends 12/22/24. To enter, visit . Sponsor: Angel Studios, 295 W Center Street, Provo, UT 84601.. Subject to complete Official Rules at


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