Entries by Dena Johnson


God’s Super Heroes

Have you ever wondered how God defines a super hero? As I was reading through Judges recently, I found a passage in which God refers to Gideon as a hero. The angel of the Lord appeared to [Gideon] and said, “Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!” Judges 6:12 The story of Gideon has always […]

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But God Says…

Labels. We all wear labels. Some labels are good; some not so good. Some have a negative impact on the way we view ourselves, on the way we think others see us. Others give us the confidence to walk forward, believing we are worthy of the good things in life. Some tell us we have […]

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Shattered Hearts

The Facebook memories popped up today, memories from four years ago. My daughter just ran through the house chasing her brother. She was carrying a baseball bat, and she yelled, “I’ve got a bat and I’m not afraid to use it!” Perhaps this game has gotten a little out of control! My mind flashed back […]

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Relentless Pursuit

Jacob and Esau. The twins who fought, even in the womb. Animosity ran thick as they battled for their parents’ affection. Esau was loved by his father, and Jacob was his mother’s favorite. It started with the birthright, when Jacob convinced his starving brother to sell it for a bowl of soup. Then, with his […]


Dena’s Rules for Dating

  Hearts. Pink and red. Cupid. Mushy cards. Flowers. Candy. Love and romance. Everything around us screams Valentine’s Day right now. I’m not sure what feelings this holiday evokes for you. Maybe you are relishing the excitement of a new relationship. Maybe you are in the silent days of waiting for someone special, waiting your […]

A Prayer for a Divided Nation

Father, my heart grieves for our country. You tell us that any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall (Luke 11:17). Our country is so divided, and it pains me to think of our nation falling. But I know we cannot stand without you at the center. […]

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We’ll Figure It Out

I was born an organized, detail-oriented, planner. Literally. My mom was unconscious for five days after I was born. By the time my mom and I were stable enough to come home, the nurses had me on a strict schedule. I would take a bottle and go to bed at 10:00 pm, and I would […]


Parenting Is NOT for Wimps

Sometimes parenting is really hard. This week has been one of those difficult weeks with my kids. My kids are great, and I know I am incredibly blessed. But, with everything we’ve been through, it’s understandable that we have our struggles. Struggles with faith. Struggles with the past. Struggles with the future. Struggles with growing […]

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Definition of a True Friend

Life falls apart. Unfortunately, it’s simply part of this…life. For example, Job lost everything. He lost his wealth, his servants, his children. Wave after wave of loss hit him, without time to even breathe between crises. He was left mourning, devastated, in despair. When Job’s life first fell apart, however, he was blessed with some […]

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Life as a Model

When Cassie was about two years old, everyone was gathered around the dinner table. As I sat the food on the table, Cassie looked at me and innocently said, “Mom, you did d–n good.” I’m sure the shock on my face must have been priceless. I looked quizzically at her dad, his face as confused […]