Proclaiming His Faithfulness

Several years ago, I wrote An Open Letter to Lysa TerKeurst when she announced her pending divorce from her husband of nearly 30 years following his adultery. Since that time, TerKeurst has gone through reconciliation attempts, cancer, divorce, and remarriage. This morning, I read an article from a question and answer session with TerKeurst as […]

When Your Heart Breaks

I woke up last Thursday morning to the horrifying news of a plane and helicopter crashing into the Potomac River. I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling the impact of such an event. I have been glued to the television, talking to friends and family about the situation, wondering how such a collision could […]

Unexpected Answers to Prayer

Have you ever asked God for something only to be disappointed? I know I’ve been severely disappointed when God didn’t answer my prayers. When my prayers for my husband’s repentance went unanswered. When my prayers for a ministry of reconciliation failed. When my prayers for restoration of my marriage feel of deaf ears. Honestly, I […]

What Are Your Idols?

What’s holding you back in your relationship with God? The last few months, God has made it clear to me that I’ve been guilty of idolatry. No, I don’t have a hidden trove of wooden, golden, and silver statues hidden away, but I have been hiding an idol within my heart. You see, I have […]

When You Feel Unloved

Last month, I had the joy of partnering with our church to bless over 20 single moms. We provided a dinner for the moms and kids, provided several activities for the kids, and allowed each child to pick a Christmas gift for his/her mom. My daughter and I also had the privilege of sharing from […]

2024: A Year of Miracles

At the beginning of the year, my daughter asked me what my word was for 2024. I hadn’t really given it any thought at the time, but within 24 hours God had laid the word “Miracles” on my heart. Specifically, I was hearing two types of miracles: Miracles of Purpose Miracles of Restoration I began […]

Homestead – The Movie Coming Soon!!

Have you ever had a really rough week? That’s been our home over the last few weeks. I am currently on day 9 of a massive migraine. I’ve had two visits to the ER with very few answers – and very little relief. Yesterday, my nephew was in a horrific car accident and has a […]

What’s Your Identity?

I just finished reading Living Fearless by Jamie Winship. Winship has spent his life working as a militant peacemaker, a law enforcement officer called to help the most hardened criminals see Christ. He believes his God-given identity of militant peacemaker has allowed him to live his life fearlessly. Over the course of his life and career, […]

Faith Adventure

“I am going to ask you to do something, and if you will be obedient, it will be a gateway to bigger blessings than you can even imagine.” God (September 2023) It’s been just over a year since I so clearly heard God speak those words to my heart. It’s been a year of challenging […]

Fishers of Men

One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living.  Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets […]