I’m Not There

Why, my soul, are you downcast?    Why so disturbed within me?Put your hope in God,    for I will yet praise him,    my Savior and my God. Psalm 43:5 Have you ever felt this in the core of your being? Have you ever felt so down and disturbed and you just didn’t even know why? Have you ever been […]

When the Going Gets Tough…

You’ve heard the saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” I’ve been in some tough situations in my life. Some really tough situations. I actually have some tough situations in my life right now. But do you know what? I know this season will pass, and God will use it to make […]

Do You Love Yourself?

What comes to your mind when someone says self-care? Do you think of a luxurious spa day? A regular mani/pedi? Maybe you think about an extravagant vacation. A day at the beach. An exciting weekend with the girls. Or maybe it’s something simpler for you. A candlelight bubble bath. A quiet walk in the park. […]

Launching Into Freedom

I am so excited to announce the Launching Into Freedom Conference to be held this Saturday, April 10. A friend of mine went through a really tough time a while back. Her daughter was really sick and nearly died, and then her husband left and filed for divorce. It was a pretty dark season, as […]

Jesus Live

I recently shared about seeing Jesus live at the Sight & Sound Theater. Now is your chance to see it live even if you can’t get to the theater!

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Did you know that this past Sunday was Single Parent Day? Ronald Reagan saw the hard work of single parents many years ago and proclaimed March 21 Single Parent Day. I had actually never heard of Single Parent Day until I had been a single parent for a number of years. While it may not […]


Last weekend, we had a little family escape to Branson, Missouri. It is spring break around here, and Branson is a popular destination from our home in the Oklahoma City area. My daughter had planned a girls’ trip with a friend from church, but she needed us to drive her to Branson—about a five hour […]

Verse Mapping Bible

So how’s your 30 day challenge going? I hope you have been taking every thought captive by personalizing scriptures and reminding yourself multiple times daily of the truth of scriptures. Remember, the truth will set you free (John 8:32). I wanted to take a few minutes to introduce you to another resource that could make […]

30 Day Challenge

Let’s take the next 30 days to let God do a mighty work in us so He can do a mighty work through us!

Who Is Winning the Battle for Your Mind?

What about you? Is your mind your greatest asset? Or is it your greatest enemy?