Johnson Johnson2020-10-29 17:04:242020-10-29 17:04:24Moral Failures and the Pastor
Most Christians divorce only after major problems caused by one spouse’s abusive, addictive, adulterous behavior. I hear the stories every day, and these threads seem to run through most every story. Johnson Johnson2020-10-13 19:33:072021-01-20 18:32:16Why I Am Thankful for my Husband’s Affair Johnson Johnson2020-10-06 19:09:202020-10-06 19:09:20Toxic Men Vs Toxic Women Johnson Johnson2020-09-30 18:50:002021-01-22 17:54:08Why Roy? What to Look for in a Partner Johnson Johnson2020-09-16 15:40:132020-09-16 15:40:13From Hopeless to Hope Full Johnson Johnson2020-09-09 17:49:322021-01-20 18:33:40On Divorce and Jen Hatmaker Johnson Johnson2020-09-02 16:48:142020-09-02 16:48:14The Life I Never Wanted Johnson Johnson2020-08-27 18:22:282020-08-27 19:53:10Why I Am Pro-Divorce
Moral Failures and the Pastor
Many churches seem to welcome charismatic leaders who have moral faults.
Common Themes in Divorce
Most Christians divorce only after major problems caused by one spouse’s abusive, addictive, adulterous behavior. I hear the stories every day, and these threads seem to run through most every story.
Why I Am Thankful for my Husband’s Affair
I used to believe my husband’s affair was the worst thing that ever happened to me. Today, I am eternally grateful for it.
Toxic Men Vs Toxic Women
Most people believe men are capable of far greater abuse in relationships. I’m not so sure…
Why Roy? What to Look for in a Partner
Some of our high school friends have questioned why I chose Roy. Here’s my answer….
Unexpected Twists and Turns
Roy and I have experienced a few laughs this week showing the crazy twists and turns life can throw at us.
From Hopeless to Hope Full
From loss and devastation to beauty from our brokenness. From hopeless to hopeful. I want you to be full of hope.
On Divorce and Jen Hatmaker
I don’t know where you stand on Jen Hatmaker’s theology, but I do know she needs us as Christian brothers and sisters right now.
The Life I Never Wanted
I am living a life I never wanted, and I am so glad God gives us what we need and not what we want.
Why I Am Pro-Divorce
Divorce will always break my heart…just as it breaks my Father’s heart.