Today, I was out walking when I received the sweetest text from my husband. “God is in control and He has won the battles for us. You’re making a difference and you’re going to change the world!” Can I just tell you that my heart was overcome with faith and gratitude in that moment? You […] Johnson Johnson2024-10-15 06:00:022024-10-15 09:30:29The Man God Chose
******* Give Away Alert******** There’s a cute new movie coming out Friday (although it looks like a few theaters around me are showing it tomorrow)! Dreamworks presents The Wild Robot. Watch trailer here. Shipwrecked on a deserted island, a robot named Roz must learn to adapt to its new surroundings. Building relationships with the native […]
I have come to a realization: I don’t trust God. I’m sure you are wondering how I could spend my entire life pointing everyone I can back to God and proclaim that I don’t trust God. It’s actually come as quite a shock to me as well. But, that’s where I find myself today. Let […]
When my now 22 year old son was about two years old, I walked into a room to find him standing on the arm of the sofa. He was looking intently at the loveseat about three feet away. There he stood precariously perched on the edge of the sofa. He began pumping his arms back […]
Do you ever hear the same message so frequently you just have to stop? Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. Luke 9:23 Over the last week or so, we have heard […]
Dear Roy, Wow! It’s hard to believe it has been seven years! In some ways, it seems like forever. Maybe that’s because we have known each other for so long. Maybe it’s because you had become my best friend long before you became my husband. Maybe it’s because you can act like a toddler! And […] Johnson Johnson2024-08-28 19:46:022024-08-28 19:46:02A Letter To My Husband On Our 7th Anniversary
Fifteen years ago, the pain of adultery was overwhelming me. I couldn’t understand how my perfect life as pastor’s wife and stay-at-home mom had come crashing down around me…especially in light of my years of faithfully serving God and proclaiming His goodness. As the years have passed, I have seen the faithfulness of my Father […] Johnson Johnson2024-08-22 19:42:272024-08-22 19:42:27Thanking God for My Husband’s Affair – 15 Years Later
God is in the business of multiplication. We’ve probably all heard this, but what does it mean? We often turn to the stories where Jesus fed thousands of people with a very small offering of loaves and fish. Remember the little boy he gave his lunch of five small loaves of bread and two fish? […] Johnson Johnson2024-08-07 06:05:062024-08-07 09:18:12Multiply Your Life
Have you ever just had a sense that God was about to do something big? I’ve seen God move many times in my life. It seems He has a way of preparing us before life actually hits. About a week before my ex-husand passed away, a verse just jumped off the pages of scripture. It […] Johnson Johnson2024-07-10 06:00:572024-07-10 10:07:14God is On the Move
Several years ago, I wrote about the hardest prayer to pray. You can read more here. I find myself revisiting the hardest prayer to pray on a regular basis these days. What is the hardest prayer to pray? Whatever it takes, Lord. Let’s really think about that. Am I willing to pray whatever it takes […] Johnson Johnson2024-06-27 14:46:032024-06-27 14:46:03Whatever It Takes, Lord
The Man God Chose
Today, I was out walking when I received the sweetest text from my husband. “God is in control and He has won the battles for us. You’re making a difference and you’re going to change the world!” Can I just tell you that my heart was overcome with faith and gratitude in that moment? You […]
The Wild Robot
******* Give Away Alert******** There’s a cute new movie coming out Friday (although it looks like a few theaters around me are showing it tomorrow)! Dreamworks presents The Wild Robot. Watch trailer here. Shipwrecked on a deserted island, a robot named Roz must learn to adapt to its new surroundings. Building relationships with the native […]
When Your Faith Wavers
I have come to a realization: I don’t trust God. I’m sure you are wondering how I could spend my entire life pointing everyone I can back to God and proclaim that I don’t trust God. It’s actually come as quite a shock to me as well. But, that’s where I find myself today. Let […]
Build a Bridge
When my now 22 year old son was about two years old, I walked into a room to find him standing on the arm of the sofa. He was looking intently at the loveseat about three feet away. There he stood precariously perched on the edge of the sofa. He began pumping his arms back […]
What Gives?
Do you ever hear the same message so frequently you just have to stop? Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. Luke 9:23 Over the last week or so, we have heard […]
A Letter To My Husband On Our 7th Anniversary
Dear Roy, Wow! It’s hard to believe it has been seven years! In some ways, it seems like forever. Maybe that’s because we have known each other for so long. Maybe it’s because you had become my best friend long before you became my husband. Maybe it’s because you can act like a toddler! And […]
Thanking God for My Husband’s Affair – 15 Years Later
Fifteen years ago, the pain of adultery was overwhelming me. I couldn’t understand how my perfect life as pastor’s wife and stay-at-home mom had come crashing down around me…especially in light of my years of faithfully serving God and proclaiming His goodness. As the years have passed, I have seen the faithfulness of my Father […]
Multiply Your Life
God is in the business of multiplication. We’ve probably all heard this, but what does it mean? We often turn to the stories where Jesus fed thousands of people with a very small offering of loaves and fish. Remember the little boy he gave his lunch of five small loaves of bread and two fish? […]
God is On the Move
Have you ever just had a sense that God was about to do something big? I’ve seen God move many times in my life. It seems He has a way of preparing us before life actually hits. About a week before my ex-husand passed away, a verse just jumped off the pages of scripture. It […]
Whatever It Takes, Lord
Several years ago, I wrote about the hardest prayer to pray. You can read more here. I find myself revisiting the hardest prayer to pray on a regular basis these days. What is the hardest prayer to pray? Whatever it takes, Lord. Let’s really think about that. Am I willing to pray whatever it takes […]