On the Church and Divorce: Thoughts About Paige Patterson and the SBC

The last few weeks, a firestorm of controversy has erupted in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Allegations against Paige Patterson, now president emeritus at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, have been made public, allegations that include his stance that women should stay with their abusive husbands and his mishandling of a rape on a seminary campus […]

Behind Closed Doors

I wrote this article a couple years ago. It has come to my mind repeatedly today as I have been debating how the church (particularly the Southern Baptist Church) deals with abuse in marriage. Unfortunately, many want to continue to turn a blind eye to the abuse and destruction that is so prevalent. Many fail […]

Baggage Check

After walking through a very difficult week, it was the final straw. “That’s it,” Roy began. “Take care of it now.” His tone took me by surprise. We’d had a really good day, and I was trying to take care of the issue he was confronting me with now. His words hit me hard as […]

If I Would Have Stayed

I happened across this post at www.giverherwings.com recently, and I understood the emotions so well. I felt as if you, my precious readers, would resonate with Megan’s words. So today, I bring you a special guest post from Give Her Wings. I hope you will take a few minutes to check out their page and their […]

The Two Types of Adulterers

The more I talk with people who have walked the dark path of adultery, the more I realize not all affairs are the same. I have a dear friend who walked the dark, painful days of adultery with me. Her husband had been a pastor at a local church when he had an affair. Through […]

An Open Letter to Lysa TerKeurst

Dear Lysa, I read your blog Rejection, Heartache, and a Faithful God today. As I read the words, I couldn’t hold back the tears. A decade ago, the tears I cried reading your words would have been tears of anger, disappointment. I would have been upset that yet another well-known ministry couple had succumbed to […]

Shame and Guilt…No More!

“For I hate divorce!” says the Lord, the God of Israel. Malachi 2:16 I’ve heard it quoted by so many people. It’s been thrown in my face, reminding me what a sinful person I am for walking away from my marriage. I’ve been told I am required to live a celibate life until my death, […]

Behind Closed Doors

“He is a charismatic leader at church,” the email begins. “Everyone loves him. They believe everything he says. He has managed to turn everyone against me. But they don’t know the man he becomes behind closed doors.” I receive emails similar to this almost every day. Male and female. Young and old. Emotional abuse is […]

Picking up the Pieces

In the month of May 2013, Oklahoma was hit—HARD. Every single day, I drove by areas of tornado destruction. On every street, there were piles of trees by the road. Fences blown down or propped up with pieces of wood. Roofs covered with tarps. Signs blown out or down. Trees lay across fences. In the […]