Fear Factor

It’s funny how different kids with the same parents, raised in the same environment can be. My oldest, Blake, was a very timid child. He was scared to take risks. In his defense, we discovered when he was three that his vision was very poor. He saw two of everything until we put him in […]

Father Knows Best

“Mom,” my daughter began, “I can’t wait until I’m 18 so I don’t have to deal with this situation any more.” My heart broke for her, until my younger son called me to his room. “Mom,” he began, “this situation makes me so mad! I try really hard not to explode. Instead, I end up […]

When God Changes His Mind

I have spent a lot of time recently contemplating how God changes his mind. Have you ever thought about that? If you are like me, your first thought is, “But scripture is clear that God is not a man that he should change his mind” (1 Samuel 23:19)! And yet, I find myself absolutely convinced […]

It’s Not Fair!

I am a runner. Well, I like to think of myself as a runner. Truth is, I started running about five years ago shortly after my husband and I separated. Running saved me. You see, I could go out as an emotional mess. As my feet pounded the pavement, my mind began to clear. I […]

Promises, Promises

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, because the Lord will do wonders among you tomorrow.” Joshua 3:5 2014 started with God impressing this scripture upon my heart. I entered the year with eager anticipation of what God would do this year. My heart was full of expectation. I was constantly reminded of God’s faithfulness, knowing […]

Off the Bench

Do you mind if I brag for a few minutes? I’m sure you know that I love my kids. They are all amazing: smart, talented, kind, unique. They each have their own individual passions and strengths. They all love God, even if they express it in their own unique ways. They all bless me more […]

On Pain and Suffering

Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. John 16:33 I’ve been thinking about pain and suffering a lot lately. It seems that I am surrounded by people who are experiencing immense pain—far more than anyone should have to handle. Just a few examples: […]

Lessons from a Loogie

Several years ago, I took my kids to the local amusement park. One of their favorite rides is known as the Schooner. It’s a large ship with rows of seats. It swings back and forth like a pendulum, going higher and higher. My kids love to be in the very top row of seats. On […]

Live Out Loud!

My house is loud! At the moment, I am enjoying a few minutes of peace and quiet. My kids are with their dad, so it is just me, my music playing quietly in the background, and the dog lying at my feet. But, on a normal day, my house gets loud and rowdy! With a […]

Going Live!!

Today at 5:00 EST/4:00CST at www.610wtvn.com, I will be live with Kathy Chiero in The Sitting Room. We will be discussing Life After Adultery. Shock, forgiveness, moving forward… Is it possible? Is there beauty after betrayal? How do we avoid becoming angry and bitter? How do we cling to hope that there are brighter days […]