Becoming the Mom I Always Wanted to Be

Better late than never. Isn’t that what they say? A hope fulfilled is refreshing to the soul, even if it doesn’t happen when you expected it. Entering adulthood, I always imagined I would be the homeroom mom, at every school party, chaperoning every field trip. I thought I would cook nutritious homemade meals and have […]

What’s Your Idol?

I find myself re-learning the same lessons over again. This week, I was praying as I went about my morning. I found myself begging God to hear my prayers, to see my heart, to answer my prayers. Until several scriptures began running through my mind. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all […]

Through God’s Eyes

I was reading through the book of Acts this week and was struck by something I had never seen before: Moses was taught all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was powerful in both speech and action. Acts 7:12 Do you see what I see? Moses was powerful in speech and action. Wow. If I […]

Get Your Security From Me

In the midst of my darkest days, I heard the sweet whisper of my Savior’s voice: “Get your security from me.” You see, in those days I was walking through an ugly divorce, and I was running toward a man–a man who made me feel special and loved and alive. It was a balm to […]

What Causes Divorce?

Search the internet for the top causes of divorce and you will undoubtedly find financial issues in almost every list. It’s often stated that financial issues are the number one reason for divorce. Can I be honest? I don’t think finances are the cause of divorce. I think finances are a symptom of the bigger […]

When Bitterness Leads to Death

I have been reading through the Bible chronologically, and I recently found myself reading through the book of Esther while I also listened to a sermon series about about the same book. I guess you could call it a true immersion. (On a side note, I am also super excited to go see Esther come […]

A Letter to the Spouse Who Had an Affair

Dear spouse, I want you to know how much I love you and how much I want to see God work in our lives and in our relationship. When I married you, I made a covenant before God and man–a covenant of until death do we part. And my heart has not changed. However, you […]

Should I Stay?

It’s a question I am asked frequently: Should I stay in my marriage? It’s also a question I wrestled with for a very long time after I discovered my first husband’s infidelity. I had made a covenant before God and man, and it wasn’t something I took lightly. I had always been taught that scripture […]

When God Can’t Be Found

How well do you know God? Do you enjoy meeting with Him every day? Is He the first thing on your mind each morning? Do you crave time with Him? With His word? Do you look forward to His sweet whispers throughout your day? Do you sense His presence in every sunrise and sunset? Do […]

I am… You are…

Have you ever wondered who you are? I know I have. I do. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, so I just wanted to let you know who I am. But the great news is, it’s also who you are! Read these words every day. Remind yourself of them throughout your day. It’s […]