finding Peace in a Chaotic World

So much has happened over the last few weeks… In my personal life and in this country. Two weeks ago, my sweet boy stood before man and God and pledged to love, honor, and cherish the sweetest young lady. It was a beautiful evening, and I was so proud of him–and excited to welcome another […]

To My 2020 Graduate

My precious middle child, Have I told you how much you are loved? I know you say you are the invisible middle child, but I pray you know how much you are truly loved. Your sister is graduating this week. As always when your child graduates, there’s an extreme mixture of emotions. Pride. Excitement. Sadness. […]

Beating the Statistics

Children raised in single parent families have the odds stacked against them. According to one study by BMC Public Health, children is single parent homes are more likely to end up in the lowest educational and socioeconomic regardless of parental status. Pretty sobering for those of us who raised our kids alone. Monday evening, I […]

God Gave Me a Story

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 1:4 It’s now been 11 years since my divorce, and closer to 14 years since the entire mess began. Hard to believe […]

Did Jesus Die for the Narcissist?

Tomorrow is Good Friday, and Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection are on my mind–as they should be. For some reason, my mind has been asking if Jesus died for the narcissist. Let me start by saying the term narcissist has become a choice description for anyone who is self-centered. I think we have to be […]

When You Can’t See His Hand

“When you can’t see His hand, trust His heart.” This quote hangs on my wall near my living room as a daily reminder that our God is always at work, even when we can’t see it. I can look back over my life and see all the ways He was working in the background when […]

To My Single Parent Friends

Today, March 21, is National Single Parent Day. For many years, I had no idea there was such a day. For many years, I wouldn’t have cared that there was a Single Parent Day. But, after eight years as a single mom, I would like to take a few minutes just to explain what being […]

Six Ways to Deal with a Holy Discontentment

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or […]

The Final Walk

Have I told you about my son’s pigs? When my son was in high school, he showed pigs. Yes, live, eating, drinking, pooping, smelly pigs. Cole decided to join Future Farmers of America (FFA) in the 8th grade, and he excelled! He showed pigs and sheep. He judged livestock. And he was surrounded by some […]

Four Things to Remember When You Have Been Hurt by the Church

I read a Facebook post by a friend recently, and it absolutely broke my heart. In the post, he talked about all the ways he has been hurt by the Church. By the congregations that shamed him when his marriage fell apart. By the pastor who fired him when people responded to his message. By […]