When We Fail at Purity

God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin. Then each of you will control his own body and live in holiness and honor— not in lustful passion like the pagans who do not know God and his ways…God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives. […]


Have you ever noticed that balance is absolutely essential in life and yet so difficult to attain? The last two years have been indescribable. Wonderful. Hard. Emotional. Chaotic. And very, very busy. My life was going well. I was a very busy single mom, working full-time, building a ministry. Now take that incredibly busy life […]

Shame and Guilt…No More!

“For I hate divorce!” says the Lord, the God of Israel. Malachi 2:16 I’ve heard it quoted by so many people. It’s been thrown in my face, reminding me what a sinful person I am for walking away from my marriage. I’ve been told I am required to live a celibate life until my death, […]

You Have Permission

Being a parent is hard. Being a single parent is extremely hard. Single Mom or single Dad. Never married. Divorced. Widowed. One child. Two children. Eight children. No matter the reason you are a single parent, the struggles are real. The struggles are often overwhelming. The struggles are often similar. When you are divorced and […]

When A Pastor Falls

I like to listen to sermons. When I drive. When I run. When I get ready for work. I often have a podcast playing, just to keep my mind focused. I have several favorites on my playlist. I regularly listen to Mark Batterson at National Community Church, Andy Stanley at North Point Community Church, Craig […]

Serving Left Overs

I have very fond memories of my childhood. Many people say I was raised in a Leave it to Beaver home. My dad worked for the government, and my mom taught Home Economics at the local high school. Dad was raised as a farmer, and we always had a huge garden filled with fresh fruits […]

When Life is Hard

Being a single parent is hard. There’s loneliness. The longing to love and be loved. The desire for adult companionship. An intense need to share your life with someone. And it is so much harder during the holidays. There’s guilt. Will my kids be ok? Will my kids overcome the loss they have experienced? Did […]

It’s Not About You

I’ll never forget the conversation I had with my then husband about the woman he was having an affair with. “It’s just exhilarating that someone like that would be interested in me,” he said. Adultery hits at the core of your being. Every ounce of self-confidence and self-respect that you carry is destroyed. You look […]

Christ’s Prayer for Us

Do your kids argue and fight? I have three kids whom I love dearly. But, there are days when I feel like I will never survive. “He touched me!” “She didn’t ask if she could ride my bike!” “He came in my room without asking!” The bickering seems to never end. I often become weary […]

Are You a Nabal or an Abigail?

There was a man in Maon who did business in Carmel. He was a very important man and owned three thousand sheep and one thousand goats…. The man’s name was Nabal, and his wife’s name was Abigail. She was an intelligent and attractive woman, but her husband was a hard man who did evil things… […]