The Never Enoughs

Today is my baby girl’s first day of her senior year of school. Let me clarify. She is my only girl. She is also the baby of my three children. I’ve walked through senior year with my two boys (although my younger son’s senior year was cut short because of Covid). Today is my very […]

Religion or Relationship?

Have you ever met a religious person? What was he like? Did you enjoy being around her? Did you go out of your way to spend time with him? Or did you go out of your way to avoid her? I, personally, have a real problem with religious people. They are really nauseating to me. […]

Fighting Myths

Sometimes I feel like a broken record. I recently read a Facebook post in a Christian group. The author was asking a question about how and when to explain to the kids the reasons behind the divorce, namely adultery. Most of the comments—whether right or wrong—were kind and gracious. Until that one person had to […]

The Sanctity of Marriage

Have you heard the term “sanctity of marriage?” I typically hear this phrase thrown around to say that marriage should be protected at all costs, that divorce is never an option, that a Christian couple should never throw in the towel under any circumstances. I’m not sure, however, that is the proper use of the […]

Is Your Marriage Difficult or Destructive?

Several months ago, I wrote about the biblical story of Abigail and Nabal. You can read it here. This story has always been an intriguing one to me. I’m not sure why it has always captivated me. Maybe it is because Nabal was so cruel. Maybe it was because Abigail was such an amazing example. […]

I Surrender All

In the midst of the sweltering summer heat, I reflect on my days of sitting at The Creek in the open-air tabernacle singing these words: All to Jesus, I surrender All to Him I freely give. I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily live. I surrender all I surrender all All […]

Would I Do It Again? Part 2

Last week, I contemplated the question, “Would I do it again?” meaning would I walk through a divorce if I could go back and live my life over again. Saturday would have been my 28th wedding anniversary if I had remained married to my ex-husband and if he were still alive. I found myself contemplating […]

Would I Do It Again?

Have you ever heard that divorce is taking the easy way out? As one who has walked through divorce, let me tell you that divorce is many things—but it is not the easy way out. Anyone who has been married knows that marriage can be hard, but a marriage between two people who have the […]

Jesus Live

I recently shared about seeing Jesus live at the Sight & Sound Theater. Now is your chance to see it live even if you can’t get to the theater!

30 Day Challenge

Let’s take the next 30 days to let God do a mighty work in us so He can do a mighty work through us!