
What happens when a wife faithfully submits to her husband, even if he is ridiculing, demeaning, or sexually abusing her?

haunted: till death do we part

If it’s not physical abuse, it’s not really abuse.

If he hasn’t hit you, you need to stay.

Marriage is a forever commitment you should never leave.

Surprised by Grace

In those tender moments, your heart is forever changed by His grace. Your soul is drawn to Him in an intimacy you’ve never known.

Never Stop Fighting

I am so glad God is patient with us. I’ve been worried lately about some people very dear to me, people who are struggling in this life, in their faith. My heart has been so heavy, so burdened. I find myself crying out to God…and simply crying so often. I grasp the pain this life […]

It’s All About the Journey

You see, the journey is about God’s faithfulness and revealing the true condition of our hearts.

Choices, Choices

I don’t know where you are today, but I know we all must work on making good choices, God choices. It’s a daily—really a moment by moment—choice to follow God, to cling to the hope He brings. I don’t know about you, but I’m working on making the right choices.

Suffering Well

I wonder why some people find their faith solidified in the face of extreme trials while others see their faith wither and die.

Saying Goodbye to the Faith

I know there are many Christians questioning how someone could renounce their faith, but I must say that I understand. Although I never gave up on God, I was close.

Lessons from The Lion King

We are children on the one true King, the King of kings, the ruler of heaven and earth! And we have Him living inside of us! We must embrace our identity as the chosen ones.

True Stories of Church Abuse

I’m not sure where the church got this idea that a woman (or man) must stay in an abusive marriage. I don’t know how scripture can be so twisted and manipulated