An “Aha” Moment

Have you ever had a pity party with God? You know what I’m talking about. “Why, God?’ we whine. “Why did this have to happen? Why? Why? Why?” I know I’ve been there. To be honest, I still find myself there frequently. When things just aren’t going right and life is falling apart, I begin […]

A Glorious Unfolding

A few years ago, I planned a huge Christmas surprise for my kids. I had been planning for months. I wanted to make sure that it was a fun, exciting surprise, not just a simple unwrap the gift and the excitement is over kind of gift. So, I prepared a Christmas scavenger hunt that would […]

Author and Perfecter of My Faith

I am taking a much needed break with my kids these week. I decided to run over to the archives and revisit an old post. I hope it speaks to you today as I seek some much needed rest. God bless! ********************** Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to […]

When Your Husband Isn’t Who You Think He Is

I promise that I have heard it all. Nothing shocks me any more. But, here is a story told by a very brave survivor, one fighting for her faith and her future. Keep my sweet friend in your prayers as she walks courageously forward. ************************ I was the kid in school that everyone knew as […]

Kent’s Story: A Single Phone Call

The phone rang. Phone calls are ordinary events that happen in our lives every day, several times a day. I grew up in a time where our family had a party line, where you had to count the number of rings to see if it was for your family and even if it was not […]

The War Room

Have you seen the new movie War Room? It’s an inspiring story of how God interceded in a broken family in response to the wife’s fervent prayers. It is a call to all Christians to fight our battles in the heavenly realm, to fall on our knees in prayer and let God take over. When […]

Missing Child

Nothing like a little excitement to kick off our work week. Monday afternoon, my son, Cole, called me. “Mom,” he began, “where’s Cassie?” Confused, I asked, “What do you mean? Isn’t she home with you?” “No,” he stated matter-of-factly. “She didn’t ride the bus.” “What?” I yelled. “She wasn’t on the bus? Did you call […]

When Scars Fade

Today is September 9. Mean anything to you? Probably not. But to me, September 9 is the anniversary of the day my life changed forever. September 9, 2008, is the day my husband was caught in an affair. Seven full years ago. September 9, 2009, is the day of our first court proceedings in the […]

If I Were Anna Duggar

The Ashley Madison scandal has been heavy on my mind in recent days. It hits so close to home because I’ve been the spouse on the other side, the spouse horrified to discover her husband on an online dating site. I suppose we could at least point out that these spouses weren’t hiding the fact […]

God’s Masterpiece

August 20, 2015. Back to school for my kids. First day of 6th, 8th, and 10th grades. Where have the days gone? How did my babies grow up so quickly? Three kids. Three different reactions. Three different attitudes. One prayer. Today, my oldest climbed into his car and drove himself to school for the first […]