Proclaiming His Faithfulness

Several years ago, I wrote An Open Letter to Lysa TerKeurst when she announced her pending divorce from her husband of nearly 30 years following his adultery. Since that time, TerKeurst has gone through reconciliation attempts, cancer, divorce, and remarriage. This morning, I read an article from a question and answer session with TerKeurst as […]

What’s Your Favorite Bible Story?

Recently, I heard someone talking about their favorite Bible story. As I began to contemplate what my favorite story is, my mind quickly jumped from story to story. As a child, I loved story of Isaac and Rebekah. I guess I’ve always been a romantic at heart. I remember hearing this story in Sunday School one day […]

From Mess to Message

I was confronted again this week: Why do you continue to write about divorce? Why do you allow your past divorce to color your world today? Why do you allow what your ex-husband did to you to continue to affect your relationships today? I’ve heard it many, many times. I need to leave the adultery, […]

God Gave Me a Story

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 1:4 It’s now been 11 years since my divorce, and closer to 14 years since the entire mess began. Hard to believe […]

Cassie’s Story: In Her Own Words

Today, my sweet girl asked if she could share her story. I hope you are as blessed as I was.

When Cows Drive

We made our annual trek to Chick-Fil-A for Cow Appreciation Day, but the drive home was a little more than we bargained for…

Changed On the Mountaintop

One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night. Matthew 6:12 The mountaintop. Have you ever thought about how many things happened on the mountaintop in the scriptures? Moses received the ten commandments on a mountaintop. Abraham took Isaac to the mountaintop to offer him […]

What Happens When Women are Addicted to Porn

Today I have a special guest post by my friend and fellow BLAST participant Robin Nordhues. Robin is a speaker, blogger and workshop leader with a passion for connecting women to God and each other. A Bible Study teacher and independent business leader for over 15 years, Robin strives to discuss contemporary issues with women […]

My Chains Are Gone

I’m taking a little break this week…not really by choice. My “thorn in the flesh” has decided to rear it’s ugly head this week, and I can’t seem to think straight. I promise to tell you more about that later. I decided to take the opportunity to share the story of my friend, Chris. If […]

Kent’s Story: A Single Phone Call

The phone rang. Phone calls are ordinary events that happen in our lives every day, several times a day. I grew up in a time where our family had a party line, where you had to count the number of rings to see if it was for your family and even if it was not […]