
April 19, 1995, stands as a day of infamy in the United States and in Oklahoma. On that fateful day, a truck was parked in front of the Murrah Federal Building. It was filled with explosives, and the detonation rocked the entire city of Oklahoma City. As the smoke cleared, the Murrah building was destroyed. […]

On Divorce and Jen Hatmaker

I don’t know where you stand on Jen Hatmaker’s theology, but I do know she needs us as Christian brothers and sisters right now.

The Next Chapter

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Proverbs 22:6 Nineteen years has gone by quickly. This last weekend, we packed up my oldest son and took him to his college dorm. When he was born, it seemed like this day was a lifetime away. Now, […]

Merka Man and McCrary

As I mentioned last week, I recently returned to my college homecoming. I had seen on Facebook that there was a group planning a get-together before the football game at Van’s Pig Stand, a local and student favorite. I decided to meet up with the group. I had no idea what I was walking into… […]

Zip! Bang! OBU!

It happened again. I made a last minute decision to attend homecoming at Oklahoma Baptist University, my alma mater. As I stepped onto campus, the steeple of Raley Chapel towered majestically in the distance. The bells began to chime, and the words began to ring through my mind… OBU! All hail thy name! Sons and […]