
I’m crying UNCLE on 2016! Can I just say I’m over it? It seems I enter every year with great expectations, waiting for God to totally blow my mind with good things. So far, I’m still waiting… Let’s review the last six months. My oldest had surgery in December. A very painful surgery. My kids […]

When A Pastor Falls

I like to listen to sermons. When I drive. When I run. When I get ready for work. I often have a podcast playing, just to keep my mind focused. I have several favorites on my playlist. I regularly listen to Mark Batterson at National Community Church, Andy Stanley at North Point Community Church, Craig […]


I opened my computer with plans to write a blog about our thoughts. But before I could even start, my thoughts captured me and took me in a completely different direction. As soon as my computer booted up, the screen hit me like a punch in the stomach, temporarily knocking the breath out of me. […]

Questions, Questions

“Mom,” she began, tears running down her cheeks, “I just don’t understand. Why? Why did God have to take my daddy so soon?” My heart broke as I took her in my arms. The tears streamed down my own cheeks. Few things are worse than seeing your children hurt. And, when you don’t have answers […]

My Defender

“We have heard that you had multiple affairs and destroyed multiple families,” the email from my employer read. Stunned. Shocked. Mortified. Hurt. Angry. The emotions rocked me to my very core. My hands shook as I attempted to respond. Where could such a venomous attack come from? Hadn’t I suffered enough already? Yes, in the […]

When Forgiveness Comes

About two years ago, my kids and I were facing a very difficult situation…one over which we had absolutely no control. I worried and fretted. I begged and pleaded. But most importantly, I prayed. I had spent the spring reading The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. I was so convicted about the importance of prayer […]

Rewriting History

Have you ever seen history rewritten? History is often about perspective. We each have our own experiences through which we interpret events. Sometimes an event will change the way we see our past. I’ve seen this over the last years concerning marriage. Often, we rewrite our marriages in light of our circumstances. For example, I’ve […]

When Life Happens

Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families… Psalm 68:5-6a I have been working on a blog post with plans to update yesterday, just like always. And then life happened. I really am not ready to share details here, but I am […]

Friendship, Tears, and Pig Poop

Sometimes as a single mom you find yourself doing things you never dreamed you would do. And, when you are a single mom of boys, you really get into some smelly situations. Take my sweet Cole. Cole is my outdoorsman. If it involves being outside, he’s all in. Hunting. Fishing. Camping. Shooting guns. Hanging at […]

Romans 8: Enough Said

It’s Thursday morning at 6:00 am, and this week has been excruciatingly long! It seems like it should be Saturday, but instead I still have two days left in the work week. I don’t even know what has made it so long. Last night, it was 8:00 when I finally finished work and wrapped up […]