When You Feel Like a Parenting Failure
I’m not sure there has ever been a moment as heart-breaking as that one. My good intention had totally devastated my child.
I’m not sure there has ever been a moment as heart-breaking as that one. My good intention had totally devastated my child.
Answering the question, “Is God good?” might be the single most important question for you to wrestle with in the midst of your pain.
Perhaps you too feel as if this year has been a nightmare, destroying your peace and security. Perhaps you feel as if your very life is crumbling, collapsing. Perhaps you can no longer hold in the tears, no longer pretend everything is just fine.
How will we view 2020 years from now? Will we still have 2020 vision? Or will we have 20/20 vision?
In this crazy, chaotic life in which you live, it is so hard to carve out time before you to simply be still, to feel your presence and know you are God.
Many churches seem to welcome charismatic leaders who have moral faults.
Most Christians divorce only after major problems caused by one spouse’s abusive, addictive, adulterous behavior. I hear the stories every day, and these threads seem to run through most every story.
I used to believe my husband’s affair was the worst thing that ever happened to me. Today, I am eternally grateful for it.
Most people believe men are capable of far greater abuse in relationships. I’m not so sure…
Roy and I have experienced a few laughs this week showing the crazy twists and turns life can throw at us.