The Long Journey
I was terrified. I was leaving the only home I had known as an adult. I was walking into the wilderness of an unknown journey.
I was terrified. I was leaving the only home I had known as an adult. I was walking into the wilderness of an unknown journey.
Tragedy has been all around us the last few weeks. What do we do in the midst of our pain and suffering?
I don’t want anyone to walk this journey alone. Will you join me?
What would I say to Kobe’s wife and children if I had the opportunity?
My heart breaks with you…
Porn is of epidemic proportions these days. With the easy availability, more people than ever are addicted. Sadly, it’s no longer just a man’s issue.
There are many more examples of “sins” that divide Christians, of doctrines that Christians shout loudly about. From divorce to homosexuality to women in leadership to alcohol to…
I know the God who is hope embodied in a tiny baby lying in a manger. I pray this beautiful Christmas day you will grasp that hope as well.
As you think about the Savior, the Healer of all things, I encourage you to remember these three truths about healing
In this chaotic world, chaotic season, it would seem so perfect to be swept away and become part of that scene at the manger that silent night.
As the years passed, there were more times for God to be our Provider than I can even start to remember. So many times, He provided just what we needed just in time.