Living on the Edge

I am NOT a risk taker. I tend to place high priority on safety, security. I like to be in control, plan ahead, know what’s coming next. I thrive in an orderly environment. As a child, I played it safe. I knew what I was good at (academics) and what I was not (sports). I […]

The War Room

Have you seen the new movie War Room? It’s an inspiring story of how God interceded in a broken family in response to the wife’s fervent prayers. It is a call to all Christians to fight our battles in the heavenly realm, to fall on our knees in prayer and let God take over. When […]


Remember how I said I was tired? Well, Saturday proved to be my breaking point. Last week was incredibly busy at work. I had multiple evenings where I was still sitting in my room, computer out, working at 9:00 pm. In addition, my oldest had multiple doctor’s appointments yet again (a broken arm…again). And, God […]

When God Changes His Mind

I have spent a lot of time recently contemplating how God changes his mind. Have you ever thought about that? If you are like me, your first thought is, “But scripture is clear that God is not a man that he should change his mind” (1 Samuel 23:19)! And yet, I find myself absolutely convinced […]

Raising Boys in Purity

Being a single mom is tough. It means carrying the entire load on your own shoulders. There’s no one to help make decisions, no one to share the burdens of raising kids. It is non-stop activity, trying to juggle the schedules of multiple children and figuring out how to get everyone where they need to […]

The Summer that Wasn’t

Today is the first day of school. This morning, my kids got up, got themselves ready, and went out the door to catch the bus (even though Mom was planning to take them…not sure how I feel about that!). My precious daughter is starting fifth grade…her last year as an elementary student. My middle child […]

Picking up the Pieces

In the month of May 2013, Oklahoma was hit—HARD. Every single day, I drove by areas of tornado destruction. On every street, there were piles of trees by the road. Fences blown down or propped up with pieces of wood. Roofs covered with tarps. Signs blown out or down. Trees lay across fences. In the […]