Let’s Be Thankful!

Happy Thanksgiving! Have you contemplated those things for which you are thankful? I know I have many things. My health. My family. My job. Redemption. Purpose. Relationships. And, of course, my Savior whose love and forgiveness and faithfulness is the one constant in this life. Where would I be without Him? Today, though. Today, I […]

Four Ways Cultural Change Can Make Us Better Christians

This weekend, I took my daughter on her first true college tour. Can I start by saying I’m not sure how we reached this place in life? My baby is a high school senior! I know she will do well in college, and I know SHE is ready. I, however, am not. But, I digress. […]

One Size Does Not Fit All

One size does not fit all. I recently republished a post about purity. In it, I mentioned the book Every Young Man’s Battle. A reader asked me to do some research and look into the damage this book has done to marriages and families, and she put a link to a video by Sheila Wray […]

My Five Wishes for Christian Teachings on Sex and Marriage

Since I frequently write about adultery, divorce, and abuse, I also follow a number of Christian writers who focus on these topics. Most of the time, I find great compassion and a desire to help the church better understand the plight of those of us who have experienced this type of victimization. I have used […]

You Want Me to Forgive Her?

As I sat through the funeral service, I couldn’t concentrate on the words being spoken. I kept hearing a still, small voice in my head. “Extend forgiveness,” the voice urged. It was my first time back in this church building since my husband had resigned his position as pastor of the congregation nearly five months […]

Advice for Divorce

Divorce. The word alone strikes fear into the heart of people. Maybe you lived through your parents’ divorce. Maybe you watched friends’ marriages suffer the ultimate destruction. Maybe you’ve walked that dreaded path…or you fear your marriage is heading down that road now. I’m not sure there’s another pain in this life that compares to […]

Did He Know?

Does the Bible ever leave you scratching your head? Do you ever feel like you end up with more questions than answers? The story of Joseph has left me wondering for years. As I was out for my morning walk, I was listening to a sermon about Joseph. Once again, I found myself wondering one […]

Living in Purity

To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven (Karen Sunde). I’ve spent a lot of time lately contemplating sexual purity. Before I was married, I held to very high standards of purity. I never allowed myself to be in a situation where I might be tempted to compromise my standards. I filled my mind with […]

Take Off the Graveclothes

One of Jesus’ most famous miracles is recorded in John 11 when He raises Lazarus from the dead. A man named Lazarus was sick…So [his] two sisters sent a message to Jesus telling him, “Lord, your dear friend is very sick.” …So although Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, he stayed where he was for […]

The Sanctity of Marriage

Have you heard the term “sanctity of marriage?” I typically hear this phrase thrown around to say that marriage should be protected at all costs, that divorce is never an option, that a Christian couple should never throw in the towel under any circumstances. I’m not sure, however, that is the proper use of the […]