Living in Purity

To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven (Karen Sunde). I’ve spent a lot of time lately contemplating sexual purity. Before I was married, I held to very high standards of purity. I never allowed myself to be in a situation where I might be tempted to compromise my standards. I filled my mind with […]

Take Off the Graveclothes

One of Jesus’ most famous miracles is recorded in John 11 when He raises Lazarus from the dead. A man named Lazarus was sick…So [his] two sisters sent a message to Jesus telling him, “Lord, your dear friend is very sick.” …So although Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, he stayed where he was for […]

The Sanctity of Marriage

Have you heard the term “sanctity of marriage?” I typically hear this phrase thrown around to say that marriage should be protected at all costs, that divorce is never an option, that a Christian couple should never throw in the towel under any circumstances. I’m not sure, however, that is the proper use of the […]

Would I Do It Again? Part 2

Last week, I contemplated the question, “Would I do it again?” meaning would I walk through a divorce if I could go back and live my life over again. Saturday would have been my 28th wedding anniversary if I had remained married to my ex-husband and if he were still alive. I found myself contemplating […]

30 Day Challenge

Let’s take the next 30 days to let God do a mighty work in us so He can do a mighty work through us!

Who Is Winning the Battle for Your Mind?

What about you? Is your mind your greatest asset? Or is it your greatest enemy?

Is Your Marriage Abusive?

Abigail and Nabal represent the classic narcissistic, abusive husband and a godly, empathic wife. It’s a story that plays out over and over in society today, in churches around the world.

The Greatest Threat to America

Sadly, we are no longer one nation under God. We are no longer Americans. We are Republicans or we are Democrats—and it appears we cannot peacefully coexist.

An Affair-Proof Marriage

Truthfully, you can set all the boundaries you want. You can create all the rules you want. But there’s only one thing that can truly affair-proof your marriage

New Beginnings

We are on the cusp of a new year, and many of us are more than ready to put 2020 behind us.