A Portrait of Redemption

I see redemption so clearly in so many ways. I see God’s hand carrying us through such painful days to bring healing. I see the God who loves us so well reflected in every smile, in every face.

Lord, Help My Unbelief

I don’t know those answers, but today I find myself crying out for God to help my unbelief…

How Do I Heal?

I don’t pretend to be an expert or to know everything about healing or growth in the spiritual realm, but I can tell you some techniques that helped me tremendously in my journey toward wholeness.

Trusting God in the Unexpected

As I have contemplated how to trust God in the unexpected, I’ve found four words that are helping me.

A Prayer for Those Walking Through Divorce

Give us a vision of the beauty you want to bring out of our broken lives.

The Hardest Prayer to Pray…

But when I truly reached that place where Jesus was all I had, I found He was more than enough.

The Power of Resurrection

What power…
And that very power is at work in us today. Don’t ever forget you have the power of the resurrection available to you today.

My Great I Am

I can look back at His faithfulness in the midst of untold hurt and pain, but the key to my Great I Am is that He is exactly what I need exactly when I need it. Yes, He was faithful in the past, and He will always be faithful in the future. It’s who He is.

A Prayer for God’s Guidance

We need you to open our eyes, to illuminate the path you have for us.

God-Sized Dreams

Now I sit here, facing my crisis of belief. Will I step out in faith? Will I trust Him to do what only He can do? Will I believe He will provide?