True Redemption

Redemption: the act, process or instance of making a bad or unpleasant thing or person better or more acceptable It’s Easter Sunday as I write this blog post. I have no idea when it will be posted to my blog, but I know my heart is full. Overwhelmed. Filled with gratitude. All week, I’ve attempted […]

But God Says…

Labels. We all wear labels. Some labels are good; some not so good. Some have a negative impact on the way we view ourselves, on the way we think others see us. Others give us the confidence to walk forward, believing we are worthy of the good things in life. Some tell us we have […]

Relentless Pursuit

Jacob and Esau. The twins who fought, even in the womb. Animosity ran thick as they battled for their parents’ affection. Esau was loved by his father, and Jacob was his mother’s favorite. It started with the birthright, when Jacob convinced his starving brother to sell it for a bowl of soup. Then, with his […]

I’m Desperate

O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1 I received a message from a friend recently. “What do you do when the bad stuff just keeps coming? Not […]

Shhh! I Have a Secret

I have been keeping a secret from you all. Please forgive me for not being completely open. It’s a tough secret to keep, but it’s one I needed to savor myself for a while. It’s funny. I am a very quiet and private person. I’m not one to put my personal life on display for […]

Desires and Delight

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Psalm 37:4 “God,” I cried out as the tears streamed down my face and my feet pounded the pavement, “I want to desire you. I want to delight in you. But, honestly, I really just want a husband.” I had escaped the […]

My Defender

“We have heard that you had multiple affairs and destroyed multiple families,” the email from my employer read. Stunned. Shocked. Mortified. Hurt. Angry. The emotions rocked me to my very core. My hands shook as I attempted to respond. Where could such a venomous attack come from? Hadn’t I suffered enough already? Yes, in the […]

Famous In My Father’s Eyes

WARNING: Proud Mama Moment!!! My sweet daughter asked if she could write a guest post for my blog. How can I say no to that? Without any help, she came up with an amazing story of encouragement! So, without further introduction, here’s Cassie telling us about her calling.   Hi! I’m Cassie, my mom’s favorite […]

Are You Living on Saturday?

It’s Saturday. The day between the crucifixion and the resurrection. I woke up with the disciples on my mind, wondering what they must have been thinking, feeling, experiencing. They had watched their friend, their teacher—the one they believed to be their Savior—hang on a cross and breathe His last breath. Dying with that last breath […]

The Perfect Sacrifice

“Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces; now he will heal us. He has injured us; now he will bandage our wounds. In just a short time he will restore us, so that we may live in his presence. Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press […]