My Defender

“We have heard that you had multiple affairs and destroyed multiple families,” the email from my employer read. Stunned. Shocked. Mortified. Hurt. Angry. The emotions rocked me to my very core. My hands shook as I attempted to respond. Where could such a venomous attack come from? Hadn’t I suffered enough already? Yes, in the […]

Famous In My Father’s Eyes

WARNING: Proud Mama Moment!!! My sweet daughter asked if she could write a guest post for my blog. How can I say no to that? Without any help, she came up with an amazing story of encouragement! So, without further introduction, here’s Cassie telling us about her calling.   Hi! I’m Cassie, my mom’s favorite […]

Are You Living on Saturday?

It’s Saturday. The day between the crucifixion and the resurrection. I woke up with the disciples on my mind, wondering what they must have been thinking, feeling, experiencing. They had watched their friend, their teacher—the one they believed to be their Savior—hang on a cross and breathe His last breath. Dying with that last breath […]

The Perfect Sacrifice

“Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces; now he will heal us. He has injured us; now he will bandage our wounds. In just a short time he will restore us, so that we may live in his presence. Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press […]

Changing of Seasons

As I sit down to write, the sun is shining brightly, warming the Oklahoma air. We’ve had an unseasonably warm winter, without a single snowflake. Millions of you, however, have been buried by a heavy blanket of snow. And, I have to admit: I’m jealous! There are few things more beautiful than looking out the […]

Waiting for My Boaz

February means Valentine’s Day. A day to celebrate love, that special someone who cares for you like no other. A day to remember how blessed you are to have one who knows you—the good, the bad, and the ugly—and loves you anyway. An opportunity to celebrate that there’s one person out there who has chosen […]

Fact or Fiction

Have I ever mentioned that I love my kids? I might be partial, but I have some pretty amazing kids. But sometimes, I see lies creeping into their lives. Maybe it’s during my late-night heart-to-heart discussions with my 16 year-old. (See? My teenager still talks to me! I told you I had amazing kids!) Or […]

Security Breach!

The thing I hate most about being a single mom is vulnerability. Security is one of my greatest needs, and I remember feeling as if every drop of security was ripped from me. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but my sense of vulnerability seems to increase at night. I’m blessed to […]

Living on the Edge

I am NOT a risk taker. I tend to place high priority on safety, security. I like to be in control, plan ahead, know what’s coming next. I thrive in an orderly environment. As a child, I played it safe. I knew what I was good at (academics) and what I was not (sports). I […]

An “Aha” Moment

Have you ever had a pity party with God? You know what I’m talking about. “Why, God?’ we whine. “Why did this have to happen? Why? Why? Why?” I know I’ve been there. To be honest, I still find myself there frequently. When things just aren’t going right and life is falling apart, I begin […]