A Mama’s Heart

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;     in the morning I lay my requests before you     and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3 I woke up Sunday morning with these words running through my mind. As I began to pray for my children that morning, I couldn’t shake the scripture. I’m laying my requests at your feet […]


April 19, 1995, stands as a day of infamy in the United States and in Oklahoma. On that fateful day, a truck was parked in front of the Murrah Federal Building. It was filled with explosives, and the detonation rocked the entire city of Oklahoma City. As the smoke cleared, the Murrah building was destroyed. […]

Insecurity: Friend or Foe?

I love the Bible! Every year, I read through the entire Bible starting in January. Without fail, I learn something new. The Holy Spirit illuminates scripture in new ways, and I see things from a different angle. That’s how we know the Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12)! As I read through […]

Reflecting on God’s Faithfulness

Seven years ago. I have relived that day over and over, but for some reason this year it is really taking an emotional toll on me. Last night as I drove home from dinner with my daughter, I began to reflect on that day. I found myself in tears–both good and bad. Seven years ago […]

Do You Know Jesus?

This last week, I have been broken-hearted to see a number of videos of individuals who grew up in the church that are now turning away. They boldly proclaim why they have left the toxic church culture, explaining how they are now enlightened. The church is toxic. The church is abusive. The church keeps people […]

For Such a Time As This

If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 What do you know about the story of Esther? If […]

What Do You Need?

This weekend, I was looking at what seems to be a never-ending to-do list. As we discussed how exhausted we were from a late night attending Cassie’s latest performance, I made the statement that I what I want to do seems to be different from what I need to do. And then I immediately stopped. […]

What’s Your Favorite Bible Story?

Recently, I heard someone talking about their favorite Bible story. As I began to contemplate what my favorite story is, my mind quickly jumped from story to story. As a child, I loved story of Isaac and Rebekah. I guess I’ve always been a romantic at heart. I remember hearing this story in Sunday School one day […]

Marked by God

This week, I was listening to a sermon about belonging. Belonging to God. Belonging to a fellowship of believers. The pastor used the movie Toy Story to illustrate his point. Do you remember how Andy wrote his name on the bottom of Woody’s shows, marking him as belonging to Andy? No one could deny that Woody […]


Have you ever been so exhausted you just didn’t think you could keep going? Back in my single mom days, I remember a time where I simply crashed. I had the kids full-time. I was working full-time. I was juggling so many balls at once. I walked in one day to find a house full […]