Proclaiming His Faithfulness

Several years ago, I wrote An Open Letter to Lysa TerKeurst when she announced her pending divorce from her husband of nearly 30 years following his adultery. Since that time, TerKeurst has gone through reconciliation attempts, cancer, divorce, and remarriage. This morning, I read an article from a question and answer session with TerKeurst as […]

The Man God Chose

Today, I was out walking when I received the sweetest text from my husband. “God is in control and He has won the battles for us. You’re making a difference and you’re going to change the world!” Can I just tell you that my heart was overcome with faith and gratitude in that moment? You […]

A Letter To My Husband On Our 7th Anniversary

Dear Roy, Wow! It’s hard to believe it has been seven years! In some ways, it seems like forever. Maybe that’s because we have known each other for so long. Maybe it’s because you had become my best friend long before you became my husband. Maybe it’s because you can act like a toddler! And […]

Five Lessons Learned in Six Years of Remarriage

It’s been six years. This weekend, September 2, Roy and I will celebrate six years of marriage. Six years of changes. Six years of blending two very different families. Six years of learning and growing. Six years of experiencing God’s redemption. Don’t let me fool you. It hasn’t been six years of wedded bliss. It’s […]

The Theology of Forgiveness

Someone asked me this week how I ended up remarried after divorce in light of biblical teachings. My response started with Deuteronomy 24 where Moses specifically allowed divorce so that women could remarry. I went on to Malachi 2 where God talks about the cruelty of men to their wives which ultimately leads to divorce, another time […]

What Makes a Marriage?

Gary Thomas has become one of my favorite authors and marriage mentors. There was a time when I didn’t feel this way, mostly because his book Sacred Marriage was used as a weapon to tell me I should have stayed in my marriage. While I agree that marriage is sacred and divorce should never be […]

An Affair-Proof Marriage

Truthfully, you can set all the boundaries you want. You can create all the rules you want. But there’s only one thing that can truly affair-proof your marriage

Why Roy? What to Look for in a Partner

Some of our high school friends have questioned why I chose Roy. Here’s my answer….

The Life I Never Wanted

I am living a life I never wanted, and I am so glad God gives us what we need and not what we want.

A Portrait of Redemption

I see redemption so clearly in so many ways. I see God’s hand carrying us through such painful days to bring healing. I see the God who loves us so well reflected in every smile, in every face.