
April 19, 1995, stands as a day of infamy in the United States and in Oklahoma. On that fateful day, a truck was parked in front of the Murrah Federal Building. It was filled with explosives, and the detonation rocked the entire city of Oklahoma City. As the smoke cleared, the Murrah building was destroyed. […]

Insecurity: Friend or Foe?

I love the Bible! Every year, I read through the entire Bible starting in January. Without fail, I learn something new. The Holy Spirit illuminates scripture in new ways, and I see things from a different angle. That’s how we know the Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12)! As I read through […]

The Theology of Forgiveness

Someone asked me this week how I ended up remarried after divorce in light of biblical teachings. My response started with Deuteronomy 24 where Moses specifically allowed divorce so that women could remarry. I went on to Malachi 2 where God talks about the cruelty of men to their wives which ultimately leads to divorce, another time […]

What Do You Need?

This weekend, I was looking at what seems to be a never-ending to-do list. As we discussed how exhausted we were from a late night attending Cassie’s latest performance, I made the statement that I what I want to do seems to be different from what I need to do. And then I immediately stopped. […]

Marked by God

This week, I was listening to a sermon about belonging. Belonging to God. Belonging to a fellowship of believers. The pastor used the movie Toy Story to illustrate his point. Do you remember how Andy wrote his name on the bottom of Woody’s shows, marking him as belonging to Andy? No one could deny that Woody […]

The Lion of Judah

Have you ever been baffled by something you read in scripture? It actually happens to me frequently, but I always find myself wondering why God chose to bring Jesus through the lineage of Judah. Jesus is known as the Lion of Judah. Why not the Lion of Joseph? After all, Israel (Jacob) had eleven other […]

In The Unknown

It’s been nearly 15 years since I heard God’s voice so clearly: step out of your comfort into the unknown because I’m waiting with outstretched hands. I was thrust into the tumultuous waves of adultery and divorce, often feeling as if I was going under. But, as God promised, He was there holding out His […]

What’s Your Purpose?

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 Do you remember this verse? Esther had been […]


  God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. Romans 11:29 A few weeks ago, I visited a different church with some extended family members. I know some of the pastor’s story. He was out of ministry for a time, but he has recently returned to the pastorate. He is called. And when you are called, […]

What’s Your Idol?

I find myself re-learning the same lessons over again. This week, I was praying as I went about my morning. I found myself begging God to hear my prayers, to see my heart, to answer my prayers. Until several scriptures began running through my mind. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all […]