What Causes Divorce?

Search the internet for the top causes of divorce and you will undoubtedly find financial issues in almost every list. It’s often stated that financial issues are the number one reason for divorce. Can I be honest? I don’t think finances are the cause of divorce. I think finances are a symptom of the bigger […]

Should I Stay?

It’s a question I am asked frequently: Should I stay in my marriage? It’s also a question I wrestled with for a very long time after I discovered my first husband’s infidelity. I had made a covenant before God and man, and it wasn’t something I took lightly. I had always been taught that scripture […]

I Left a Piece of My Heart at OC

Ten years ago when I started this journey, college was nowhere on my radar. This past weekend, my baby–the youngest of my three children–moved off to college. I am honestly still in shock, uncertain how it’s even possible that she’s is 18 and a high school graduate. But, here we are, watching my baby leave […]

What Makes a Marriage, Part 2

Before I dive into the rest of the interview with Gary Thomas, I want to say a few things. I have already written about Married Sex, Gary’s latest book written with Debra Fileta. Sadly, many of you have heard many negative and critical comments about it. It is so important that we refuse to take words […]

My Five Wishes for Christian Teachings on Sex and Marriage

Since I frequently write about adultery, divorce, and abuse, I also follow a number of Christian writers who focus on these topics. Most of the time, I find great compassion and a desire to help the church better understand the plight of those of us who have experienced this type of victimization. I have used […]

What Is Your One Thing?

There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken 78away from her.” Luke 10:42 One thing… Have you ever thought about it? Jesus told us there was only one thing worth being concerned about. The Psalmist said there was only one thing he asked of the Lord (Psalm […]

Well, Crap!

Not sure how your week is going, but let me share with you how mine started. I got to work Monday morning, and my phone rang. My sweet daughter was getting ready to leave for a week at camp, so I of course I answered her call. “Mom,” she began. I could hear the panic […]

A Journey to Wellness

Have you ever wanted something and yet struggled to achieve your goal? Let me tell you a little story. Roy and I both recently turned 50. Ugh? It’s painful even to admit, but I am thankful to still be alive and thriving! Eight years ago, we were both in the best shape of our lives. […]

What is the Next Step, Lord?

The last few months have been incredibly stressful. I changed jobs at the beginning of the year, and it has become increasingly apparent that my new job just isn’t a good fit for me. I. Am. Miserable. I can’t pinpoint anything specific. People aren’t mean. The work isn’t difficult. There have been some moments of […]

50 Things I Love on my 50th Birthday

Today is my 50th birthday! Honestly, that’s really hard for me to even say. I don’t feel 50. I hope I don’t look 50. I don’t want to be 50. But I am. In all reality, my 50th birthday is so much better than my 40th birthday. Ten years ago, I was in the depths […]