Tag Archive for: believing god

Does God Still Do Miracles?

Jesus was still angry as he arrived at the tomb, a cave with a stone rolled across its entrance. “Roll the stone aside,” Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead man’s sister, protested, “Lord, he has been dead for four days. The smell will be terrible.” Jesus responded, “Didn’t I tell you that you would see […]

Wake Up and Live!

My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10 This week, I was listening to a sermon on the anointing of God. The preacher, Dick Foth, mentioned he used to have a radio show in which he used the tagline, “It’s time to wake up and live!” That simple phrase completely […]

Finding the Abundant Life

I’ve written over the past few weeks about peace. The Peace Index. His Perfect Peace. My peace being robbed from me. It’s been a very introspective period of my life as I’ve begun to look at who I am, who I want to be, where I am succeeding and where I am failing. I’ve been […]

A Crisis of Faith

Have you ever had a crisis of faith? If you don’t know what I am talking about, it’s a phrase I learned from Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God. If you have never done this Bible study, I highly recommend it! Christians experience a crisis of faith when they sense God telling them to do something and they […]

A Little Leaven

I recently discovered that I have a significant gluten intolerance. I’ve suffered with a variety of strange ailments over the last few years, most of which I have associated with my low thyroid condition. However, some symptoms actually seemed to be completely antithetical to hypothyroid. As I’ve read about Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, I’ve learned many experts […]

The Peace Index

God is the giver of peace. It’s throughout scripture. When we focus our minds on Him, we are covered with His perfect peace. Isaiah 26:3 When we take our concerns to Him in prayer with thanksgiving, His peace that surpasses understanding will guard our hearts and mind. Philippians 4:6-7 Jesus is called the Prince of […]

An Inside-Out Job

Change. Change is an essential part of the Christian life. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that if we are in Christ, we are a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come. But, what does that change look like? Have you ever known someone who says the right things, maybe even does […]

Rescue Story

What’s your rescue story? I have heard so many rescue stories over my lifetime. Stories of rescue from the grips of drug addiction and alcohol. Stories of marriages rescued from the brink of divorce. Stories of miraculous births after infertility. Stories of healing that can only be explained as a miracle of God. But I’ve […]

Reconstructing Christianity

Deconstructing Christianity. It seems to be all the rage these days, outspoken individuals raised in the church who are sharing their stories. Telling of how they have left the faith. Discussing the disappointments of unanswered prayers. Sharing how they have been disillusioned by their upbringing. I listen intently, inquisitively. Many of these individuals have faced […]

To My 2020 Graduate

My precious middle child, Have I told you how much you are loved? I know you say you are the invisible middle child, but I pray you know how much you are truly loved. Your sister is graduating this week. As always when your child graduates, there’s an extreme mixture of emotions. Pride. Excitement. Sadness. […]