Tag Archive for: believing god

To My Daughter As You Graduate from High School

My dear, sweet Cassie, I don’t even know how to start this letter. The tears sting my eyes already as I begin to think of all the emotion that is pent up inside me. It seems like just yesterday I learned I was having a baby girl. After two rough and tumble boys, I was […]

Picking Up the Pieces

Four years ago I wrote this piece following the devastation of May 20, 2013. This week as I contemplated my post for the week, I began to reflect on this post, the true beginning of my writing ministry. I felt compelled to revisit it today. The devastation of that May day is no longer evident […]

The Story of Our Scars

As a nurse, one of my primary duties is assessing patients. I need to know their current condition so I can catch subtle deviations, deviations that might indicate an impending deterioration. I also need to know the medical history. Previous problems can provide important clues to what is happening with a patient. I gather the […]

He Had Me at “Hello”

I’m a sucker for a good romantic comedy. I walked through the living room recently to see You’ve Got Mail on the television. It was nearly over, but I immediately got sucked in, stuck watching the end of the movie. As Joe Fox “tweaked” his project (i.e., pursued Kathleen Kelly knowing she was his email […]

Eleven Promises for the Single Mom, Part 2

(This is the second part in a series by my friend, Samantha Ferguson. If you missed the first part, click here .) Here’s a quick recap of the first four promises for the single mom. You are honored. He cares about the details. His grace will fill in the gaps. You can’t do it all, […]

11 Promises for the Single Mom

Today’s post is a two-part series by my friend, Samantha Ferguson. She’s an amazing single mama and photographer in Birmingham, Alabama. If you are looking for someone to take some great family photos, make sure you check out His Hands Photography.   I was researching a few months ago about encouraging things to say to […]

True Redemption

Redemption: the act, process or instance of making a bad or unpleasant thing or person better or more acceptable It’s Easter Sunday as I write this blog post. I have no idea when it will be posted to my blog, but I know my heart is full. Overwhelmed. Filled with gratitude. All week, I’ve attempted […]

Resurrection Power

“Resurrection is the central tenet of the Christian faith. And it isn’t something we just celebrate on Easter. Resurrection is something we celebrate every day in every way. Prayer has the power to resurrect dead dreams and give them new life—eternal life.” Mark Batterson (The Circle Maker, 41) Have you ever really thought about the […]

The Legacy of an Unnamed Child

Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?” He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do. Philip replied, “Even if we worked for months, we wouldn’t have enough money […]

Does Godly Parenting Produce Godly Children?

Today, I have a special guest post by my friend and fellow BLAST participant Robin Patchen. Be sure to check out her blog!   I have a confession to make: I have three teenagers, and all of them have rebelled to one degree or another. In fact, one rebelled so thoroughly, he spent what should […]