Tag Archive for: future


  God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. Romans 11:29 A few weeks ago, I visited a different church with some extended family members. I know some of the pastor’s story. He was out of ministry for a time, but he has recently returned to the pastorate. He is called. And when you are called, […]

To My Soon-To-Be Daughter-In-Law

We are only one week away from you officially becoming family, and I am so excited! I remember the first time Blake introduced us. I was captivated by your natural beauty and your quiet, gentle spirit. I knew there was something special about you, even before I had the opportunity to get to know you. […]

To My Daughter As You Graduate from High School

My dear, sweet Cassie, I don’t even know how to start this letter. The tears sting my eyes already as I begin to think of all the emotion that is pent up inside me. It seems like just yesterday I learned I was having a baby girl. After two rough and tumble boys, I was […]


Pivot. It has become a common word in my vocabulary as of late. To pivot, by definition, means to turn on or as if on a central point, pin, or shaft. In other words, when we pivot, we swing to a different direction. Pivot has become a key term in the medical field over the […]


I guess as kids, digging holes is fun. But it’s not always so fun as adults. I’m not talking about literal holes in the ground in the backyard. I’m talking about the holes in our lives.

Catch the Vision

One thing I have noticed in the last few years as I inch ever closer to the age of 50 is diminished eyesight. I used to function very well without glasses, only needing them for distance tasks such as driving. Not so any more…

The Depths of Despair

I’ve had two people I love admit suicide has crossed their minds. TWO.

Grief: Thoughts for Kobe Bryant’s Wife and Children

What would I say to Kobe’s wife and children if I had the opportunity?
My heart breaks with you…

Happy 2020

Here we sit on the first day of 2020. The old has gone, and we have nothing but the promise of something new ahead.

Jesus Our Hope

I know the God who is hope embodied in a tiny baby lying in a manger. I pray this beautiful Christmas day you will grasp that hope as well.